Can you take physics and chemistry at the same time

But using my method, you can really excel in college and do what you want to. There is NO rush. College is so much more than just classes. Give yourself the time to experience that. There are way too many distractions. I think you will have to talk with the counselors at the college you are going to attend. For my daughter there was a set time-line of classes for her major. That sequence included taking Biology, Chemistry and Calculus together for multiple semesters.

When she transferred to a different college they did not recommend having two sciences with a lab during the same semester but did also have a set sequence. It just depends on the major and the college…you may not have a choice but using the summer session may help as previously suggested…then again, you may want a break. I did it, with calculus and English added to the mix. I did all three for my final years of high school, and I found it to be great.

There was a lot of material that was repeated between the subjects. I had an easier time than some friends who did two of those and history. This was in addition to some other courses. Let me know if you have more Qs! I took Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus along with some other hard introductory classes my first year in college. My biggest mistake was scheduling an early physical education class way across the other side of campus when I could have just as easily slept in.

I learned very quickly never to repeat that error I also learned that you could skip way more classes in college than in high school…. Not impossible, but do not do this first semester of first year. When I was in college, the courses were mainly determined by your major, with those courses being taken in a certain order as suggested by your faculty adviser.

Before you actually register for courses, talk to your adviser and find out what you need to take and when. My freshman year, I took Biology and Chemistry at the same time. Regradless of the mental ability of a person, these courses can be taken at different times, can they not? Why put yourself in a stressful situation….

If you are very bright and a good student, I think you could take 2 of the 3 and be successful. But, It sucks that it sounds like. Too much science. Mainly science and a little Math. Bad idea to take all three at once. Suicide is the right word. Give yourself a chance or you will freak and think you hate university before ever knowing what it really is.

University is a lot tougher and less directed, plus god knows you are going to want to spend time socially. Not doing so is probably going to mean suicide x 2 later when you need a network to rely on to get through your degree.

In the Time Schedule, lectures will be indicated by a single letter e. All the math courses required by UW majors, except the non-credit review course MATH , require either a prerequisite college math course or a passing score on a math placement test. Math is only offered at Washington State Community Colleges. If you wish to take an equivalent Math course, please check the UW Equivalency Guide for the appropriate equivalent course.

You can't cross over between sequences. The MATH , pathway is taken mainly by pre-business students. It's a "terminal" sequence, meaning that it doesn't lead into higher-level math courses. The MATH , sequence is accepted by UW programs that require only one quarter of calculus, including business, and microbiology.

The MATH , pathway is taken mainly by students interested in science and engineering majors, and students preparing for professional programs such as medical, dental, or veterinary school. Some science majors require only one or two quarters of calculus; if you're planning on a science major but haven't decided which one yet, we recommend that you complete the whole year of calculus.

This keeps all your options open. All require at least MATH or a passing placement test score. Check the requirements of the majors you are considering to see if the Q SCI sequence would be a good option for you. An introduction to single- and multivariable calculus, with emphasis on modeling and word problems. Recommended for students interested in engineering, computer science, physical science, and biological science majors.

More information is available at the math department's home page. Introductory calculus sequence with an emphasis on biological problems, particularly in ecology.

Recommended for biological science majors, particularly programs in Forest Resources and Fisheries. More information is available from the Center for Quantitative Science. Appropriate for students with strong enthusiasm and talent for mathematics.

Admission by special permission only; contact the mathematics adviser. MATH H is offered in autumn quarter only. Example: You must achieve at least a 2. See the Chemistry website for descriptions of these sequences and information on what sequence is best for you. At the UW, you take organic chemistry if required by your major after you take introductory chemistry.

There are four organic chemistry pathways:. Exactly what courses are most appropriate for a given students circumstances can be facilitated by advising. You do not have to! You would be able to take 1 science class a semester and still graduate in 4 years. Directed Independent Study: Working with a professor on their research project in a lab on campus. You can find the Biology faculty research opportunities here: Faculty Research.

We encourage you to contact the professors directly to set up your DIS. Research in a lab could also be in another department such as College of Medicine, Psychology and Chemistry. Max of 6 credit hours toward the biology major. Internship: Volunteering in a biological, medical or animal area typically outside of FSU. Max of 4 credit hours toward the biology major. We suggest you always take the class with the lab, be we also understand that these labs fill up quite quickly and you may be left in a lecture without a lab.

You can always take the lab in the following semester to catch up. There is no lecture associated with BSC L. No you do not.


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